I create a safe space for individuals to dive deep into self-discovery and achieve inner peace through meditation facilitation and 1:1 personalized coaching.

Helping You Ignite Self-healing & Creativity on Your Journey to Ease & Flow




Licensed Mindfulness & Meditation Facilitator, Founder of The Mindfulness Community
Trauma-Informed Mindset & Leadership Coach, 3rd Dan Black Belt (WTF, UFAF)

Rediscovering My Inner Power And Reconnecting With My Higher Self Through Meditation 

Martial arts and meditation played an important role in my upbringing, but somewhere along the way, I lost sight of my inner power and chose a different path. When challenging life circumstances began to feel overwhelming, I found myself running from difficult situations, repeating destructive patterns and neglecting the root cause of my suffering instead of turning inward and reconnecting to my innate wisdom. That’s when I realized my path no longer aligned with who I was meant to be.

to help others overcome emotional, physical, and mental barriers and regain control over their lives. Through my journey back to self, I recognized pain and suffering are inevitable parts of the human experience—but it’s not the unfortunate circumstances that shape us; it’s how we choose to respond to them that truly makes a difference.

Ignoring my traumas meant falling further away from my life’s purpose; 

it enabled me to understand myself deeper, learn how to release the past, focus on the present moment, and, most importantly, trust myself again. This introspection guided me back to mindfulness and meditation, where I have reconnected with my highest self & intuitive spiritual abilities and learned to cultivate long-lasting peace while helping others do the same. Welcoming these centering practices back into my life transformed how I saw myself and helped me build a life rooted in love, compassion, and understanding rather than a cycle of suffering.

Since 2015, I’ve dedicated myself to studying and practicing mindful living through time-honored practices and had the privilege of learning from respected Senior Dharma Plum Village teachers Dr. Larry Ward and Peggy Rowe-Ward, whose teachings were influenced by their own studies under Nobel Peace Prize nominee Thich Nhat Hanh for 20+ years.

My commitment to conscious living, coaching, and facilitating meditation programs has allowed me to work with people from all walks of life, working with over 40 nationalities across the United States, Thailand, and Hong Kong. This broad experience has enabled me to work with adolescents and adults on a deep level, providing life-changing transformations in a way that feels authentic to each individual.

Diving deep into my wounds and sitting with the darkness set me free

My lifelong mission

I am here to help you regain power and control over your life & well-being. 

Helping You Remember Who You Were Before the Noise

When we commit to ourselves and consistently dedicate time to practice being in the present moment, we can course correct, forge healthier relationships, and live with intention & purpose. We reconnect to the parts of ourselves we’ve lost touch with.

My offerings are designed to help you:

→ Embrace mindfulness as a powerful lifelong journey to freedom
→ Enhance emotional intelligence
→ Strengthen self-control & resilience
→ Shift anxiety & fear
→ Reduce stress & overwhelm
→ Build a healthy relationship with yourself and those around you
→ Improve mental & emotional health

Words of love & gratitude

Sherry is a wonderful mindfulness facilitator! She was able to quickly understand and assess my personal needs as a mindfulness practitioner. I also loved how she provided a safe, non-judgmental space for all of us to practice. Through and after the 10 weeks session I was able to rekindle my own personal meditation journey. Sherry's mindfulness course reminded me that we truly have the ability to connect, breathe and dive deeper into what truly matters in life. Lastly, Sherry is a kind and loving facilitator who walks her talk! I am forever grateful to Sherry's light! 

My 10 week journey help me to prioritize a moment during the week to take care of myself - a moment of self-love. A wonderful time to reflect about my state of mind, be aware about my reactions and my behaviour. To create a routine to quite my mind and be aware of my feelings doing a quick check-ins after some breath-ins breath-outs. Unexpected, I found a group of incredible women in my class where we found a trustful space to share our moments of vulnerability and also celebrate our achievements with the facilitation of Sherry, who helped us to go deep in some discussions , using her facilitation skills to accommodate the emotions in a safe way.

Sherry's 10 week course was fantastic. Each session was different which kept it interesting, and each activity was one that you can easily transfer into everyday life and I was able to learn a lot. Sherry is very knowledgable, not least one of the kindest people I've met and hugely calming to be around! She makes you feel so comfortable and it's great to learn meditation and mindfullness with someone so passionate about it. Highly recommend.

Sherry has this unique ability of making people feel at ease, listened to and engaged while introducing thought-provoking questions and concepts. Sherry also complements the sessions with neuroscience factsheets, which helped me understand not only the spiritual aspect of mindfulness, but also the positive effects in my brain and body. 

Sherry is a wonderful, caring and experience coach. I recommend these sessions to anyone who thinks they can meditate alone but never do. This is accessible to every human with and without any experience in meditation.

Sherry was very patient and she made the process of learning and practicing mindfulness easy . During the 10 sessions I could easily communicate with her and the others about my feelings and emotions without being judged and I learned to be more aware of everything , less judged by myself and to accept everything that comes into my life.

Giving Back Mindful Moments

I am deeply committed to serving my community and dedicated to making a positive impact on the lives of those who are struggling. That’s why I feel honored and grateful to offer my services to local NGOs and help support individuals with nowhere else to turn. Some of these organizations include:

Justice Center Hong Kong

During my time with this selfless organization, we focused on opening safe spaces for refugees and their children to address their mental health and explore coping strategies for their daily struggles. 

OCD & Anxiety Support Hong Kong

OCD & Anxiety Support Hong Kong is a non-profit organization based in Hong Kong that aims to provide education, support, and resources for individuals living with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and anxiety. My role as a volunteer was facilitating mindfulness & meditation for the peer support group and providing mindfulness support the those seeking assistance. 


As a project mentor for the Action For A Cause program, I worked alongside organization members to empower 12-17-year-olds to find their voice, take action and make an impact on the world’s biggest challenges today. Kids4Kids mentors promote creative problem-solving and build leadership skills & social awareness through service.

RUN Hong Kong

RUN is an organization that supports vulnerable refugees to build resilience and nurture self-reliance for a more hopeful future. My time with this inspiring group involved organizing and overseeing a mindfulness charity event for the children’s program.

A significant aspect of my mission is giving back to the community as often as possible. If you are an organization that would like to collaborate and spread the power of mindfulness & meditation, please get in touch!


Impact HK is a non-profit organization based in Hong Kong that aims to provide support and aid to the city's homeless population. My work with Impact HK involved providing mental health support to the homeless and recovering addicts in the organization's programs. Here, I led mindfulness and meditation sessions, offered coaching and guidance on developing a mindfulness practice, and tailored my approach to meet each individual's needs and challenges, providing much-needed support and guidance to some of the community's most vulnerable members.

Love & Kindness

Opening the heart. Creating safe, non-judgmental spaces for you to release suffering, to work with negative emotions, embracing life from the heart. Attract more love and positivity in your relationships with family, friends and most importantly Self. 


Healing through connection. Inviting you to tune into the higher self by cultivating a practice of self awareness. By consistently returning to the here and now, we connect to the infinite wisdom within, gaining more clarity and peace. 


Evolving to the person you want to be. Together we navigate the challenges that you may be facing-chronic stress, worry, anger or shame. Understanding that we are in this together, you discover the natural strength that arises when you allow yourself to ask and receive support when needed.


Igniting your insight. Connecting you to a community of people that will support you in sustaining your mindfulness and meditation as a practice and a way of being. 


Empowering you to lead the life you deserve. Consciously inviting more peace and joy into your everyday life.






Leading With
 Mindful Values

“Freedom is the only condition for happiness, if in our heart, we still cling to anything- anger, anxiety or possessions- we cannot be free.” 
- Thich Nhat Hanh 

Ready to explore mindfulness and commit to a life full of freedom, peace & light?